# Getting Started with Jekyll

This integration guide is following the Quick Start Guide. We assume that you have fully completed its "Hands-on" path, and therefore can consume the API by browsing this url (opens new window).

If you haven't gone through the getting started guide, the way you request a Strapi API with Jekyll (opens new window) remains the same except that you will not fetch the same content.

# Create a Jekyll app

Be sure to have Jekyll installed (opens new window) on your computer.

jekyll new jekyll-app

# Configure Jekyll

Jekyll is a Static Site Generator (opens new window) and will fetch your content from Strapi at build time. You need to configure Jekyll to communicate with your Strapi application.

  • Add jekyll-strapi to your Gemfile
group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12"
  gem "jekyll-strapi"
  • Add jekyll-strapi to your plugins in _config.yml.
  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-strapi
  • Add the configuration of Strapi at the end of the _config.yml.
  # Your API endpoint (optional, default to http://localhost:1337)
  endpoint: http://localhost:1337
      type: restaurants

      type: categories
  • Run bundle install to install your gems.
bundle install

# GET Request your collection type

Execute a GET request on the restaurant Collection Type in order to fetch all your restaurants.

Be sure that you activated the find permission for the restaurant Collection Type.

# Example


layout: default

<div class="home">
  <h1 class="page-heading">Restaurants</h1>
  {%- if strapi.collections.restaurants.size > 0 -%}
    {%- for restaurant in strapi.collections.restaurants -%}
      {{ restaurant.name }}
    {%- endfor -%}
  {%- endif -%}

Execute a GET request on the category Collection Type in order to fetch a specific category with all the associated restaurants.

Be sure that you activated the findOne permission for the category Collection Type.

# Example


layout: default

<div class="home">
    {%- if strapi.collections.categories[0].restaurants.size > 0 -%}
    <h1 class="page-heading">{{ strapi.collections.categories[0].name }}</h1>
        {%- for restaurant in strapi.collections.categories[0].restaurants -%}
            {{ restaurant.name }}
        {%- endfor -%}
    {%- endif -%}

Run your application with:

bundle exec jekyll serve

We can generate pages for each category.

  • Tell Jekyll to generate a page for each category by updating the _config.yml file with the following:
  # Your API endpoint (optional, default to http://localhost:1337)
  endpoint: http://localhost:1337
  # Collections, key is used to access in the strapi.collections
  # template variable
    # Example for a "posts" collection
      # Collection name (optional). Used to construct the url requested. Example: type `foo` would generate the following url `http://localhost:1337/foo`.
      type: restaurants

      # Collection name (optional). Used to construct the url requested. Example: type `foo` would generate the following url `http://localhost:1337/foo`.
      type: categories
      permalink: categories/:name
      layout: category.html
      # Generate output files or not (default: false)
      output: true
  • Create a _layouts/category.html file that will display the content of each one of your category:
<h1>{{ page.document.name }}</h1>
  {%- for restaurant in page.document.restaurants -%}
    {{ restaurant.name }}
  {%- endfor -%}

After building your application, you'll be able to see a category folder in your _site folder.

You can find your restaurant categories by browsing http://localhost:4000/category/<name-of-category>.

Feel free to do the same for your restaurants!

# Conclusion

Here is how to request your Collection Types in Strapi using Jekyll. Learn more about Jekyll with their official documentation (opens new window).